Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Report and public statement on situation of Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman, Mapuche Political Prisoner of the CAM, confined in Concepción, Chile

Report on situation of Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman, Mapuche Political Prisoner of the CAM
Concepción, March 27, 2013

1) Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman is held in the High Security Prison, CCP Bio Bio (Concessioned Prison, El Manzano II). Completely isolated in a cell. The only person who he sees, with whom he shares the module, is an older adult, also isolated, having been convicted of pedophilia and who has a terminal illness. This is a place completely enclosed without any contact with the natural environment.

2) That the official document of the Gendarmes, presented during the Control of the Arrest in the Court of Guaranty of Cañete states that Ramón Llanquileo shall be moved permanently to the CCP-Bio Bio, ie he will have to spend the next four years in these conditions. 

3) That, at the same time, the official document states that Ramon Llanquileo is punished for breaking his parole conditions, to ten days of isolation without receiving visits. 

4) We also denounce that the cell of Ramón Llanquileo was raided yesterday, around 11:00 hrs in the morning, by a group of unidentified persons, who photographed and noted all his personal things. Just as happened in the module of the Mapuche Political Prisoners in El Manzano I. We further note that at consulting the Gendarmes of Concepción, about the motives and identification of these people, they indicated: "That it is ordered by the National Directorate of the Gendarmes."

5) Furthermore we point out that Ramón Llanquileo has begun a hunger strike, which he started with a weight of 65 kg, losing in one day 1,900 kg.

6) Lastly we call on the Mapuche communities and organizations to show solidarity with Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman and on human rights organizations to visit and verify urgently the repressive situation that affects him.

Relatives Mapuche Political Prisoners-CAM

Collective Of Support Mapuche Political Prisoners-CAM Concepción

Epu (Second) public statement by Ramón Llanquileo:
Concepción, March 28, 2013

To the national and international public opinion, to my Mapuche Nation:

1. As is known by you, the direct enemy, transnational corporations, the Chilean state and its current government with its repressive policies in response to our historical
demands based on territory and autonomy, continues to persecute and imprison us.

2. My particular case, today I am back in prison in the Concessioned Prison Bio Bio of Concepción in retaliation by the government to my determination to keep on fighting, because for me it is an obligation to resist. Our dignified and courageous People does not deserve so many sacrifices, and I continue fighting with this new and indefinite liquid hunger strike, which aims to denounce the injustice of our convictions in which the Anti-Terrorism Act was applied, the dual processing and the use of protected witnesses among other legal aberrations.

3. In addition, this new strike aims to denounce this whole situation of total isolation and political persecution that aims to deny my most basic rights that have to do with our cultural and religious practices (living with my peers and conduct of Llellipun, among other activities).

4. I will end this measure of pressure when they comply with my demands which include:
- End of Punishment of visits and Isolation
- Transfer to CCP "El Manzano" of Concepción
- Prison conditions tailored to our condition of Mapuche and Political Prisoners.

Ramón Llanquileo Pilquiman
Mapuche Political Prisoner - CAM


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